Ornate tinamou
Nothoprocta ornata

The ornate tinamou (Nothoprocta ornata ) is a type of tinamou commonly found in the high altitude grassland and dry shrubland in subtropical and tropical regions of west central South America.

Animal name origin

Nothoprocta comes from two Greek words, nothos meaning spurious or counterfeit and prōktos meaning hindpart or tail. Experts are unsure, however, they believe that this refers to the hidden tail of this Genus behind body feathers.


The ornate tinamou is approximately 32 cm (13 in) in length. Its upper parts are brownish-grey marked with black and buff, it is tawny-buff below with darker barring. Its head and neck are buff with prominent black spots, its bill is slender and curved, and its legs are either yellow or grey.



Biogeographical realms

This species is native to the puna of central Peru and the Andes of southeastern Peru, western Bolivia, extreme northern Chile, and northwestern Argentina.

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The ornate tinamou lives in high-altitude grassland. They also live in shrubland, both high and low elevation, and they are showing some success of living on farmland. They prefer elevations of 3,450 to 4,700 m (11,320–15,420 ft).

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Ornate tinamou habitat map
Ornate tinamou habitat map
Ornate tinamou
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Habits and Lifestyle

Like other tinamous, the ornate tinamou eats fruit off the ground or low-lying bushes. They also eat small amounts of invertebrates, flower buds, tender leaves, seeds, and roots. The male incubates the eggs which may come from as many as 4 different females, and then will raise them until they are ready to be on their own, usually 2–3 weeks. The nest is located on the ground in dense brush or between raised root buttresses.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call



The IUCN list this species as Least Concern, with an occurrence rang eof 740,000 km2 (290,000 sq mi).


1. Ornate tinamou Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ornate_tinamou
2. Ornate tinamou on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22678254/92763523
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/506310

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