Yachiru Kusajishi

Birthday:Feb 12
Race: Shinigami Height: 109 cm 37 Rank: Lieutenant of the 11th Division Relatives: Kenpachi Zarakihttps://anilist.co/character/909 adoptive father Yachiru is the shortest member of the Gotei 13. She became a shinigami without having taken the standard exams. She is the current ViceCaptain of the 11th division but her strength and powers thus far are unknown. She is also the president of the shinigamis Womans Society. Habits: Known to bother Kuchiki Byakuya on occasion. Makes fun of Ikkakus bald head. Gives funny nicknames to people and has a fondness for sweets. She first met Kenpachi as a baby after he had just killed a group of people. She instantly became drawn to him as she later said that it was though Kenpachi had used blood to wash away the dark hopeless unforgiving world she lived in. After crawling over to him and seeing that she held no fear of his sword or all the blood around them Kenpachi gave himself his name and gave her the name Yachiru after the only person he ever admired. Ever since then she goes with Kenpachi almost everywhere riding on his shoulder. She consideres Ichigo or Ichi as she calls him to be a good friend since he allowed Kenpachi to have a fun time fighting him. Her zanpakuto has yet to be named or drawn at all since Kenpachi attacks anyone who threatens her at all though the hilt of her sword is shaped like a flower and the bottom of her sword hilt has wheels as she drags her sword behind her wherever she goes instead of wearing it. A running joke is that she has a terrible sense of direction as shes always sending Kenpachi or others down a dead end or away from their intended objective. Though she appears to be completely childlike and happygolucky all the time she was once shown to have incredible power and rage when a messenger tried to interrupt her as she was watching Kenpachi and Ichigo fight indicating that her lieutenant position was actually earned.