
Blue-backed Manakin

The Blue-backed manakin is a Passeriforme of the family Pipridae.


It is about 12.5cm in size. The male has a red crown patch and a light blue back with the rest of the plumage black. The bill is black and the legs are orange-red. An exception is the ssp regina found in the west of Brazil where the crown patch is yellow not red. The female is olive-green but paler on the throat and belly.


It feeds on small fruits, insects, larvae and spiders.


The female normally lays two eggs which are incubated for 18 days. The young leave the nest after 20 days.


Mainly humid forest and mature secondary woodland.


In north-east and eastern Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte south to Espírito Santo with a disjunct population in the Amazon Basin except in parts of the Rio Negro drainage. The photos on Wikiaves from the west of Ceará represent an extension to most published distributions.


  • Marigo, Luiz Claudio. A fantástica mata atlântica. n. 28.
  • Ridgely, Robert S. & Tudor, Guy. (1994) The Birds of South America. Volume 2, University of Texas Press.
  • Snow, D. W. (2004) Family Pipridae (Manakins). Pp. 110-169 in: del Hoyo, J., Elliot, A., & Christie, D.A. eds (2004). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 9. Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails, Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
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