
Band-tailed Manakin

The Band-tailed Mankin is a passeriforme of the family Pipridae.


It measures about 11 cm. The male has a red crown, nape and upper back and the remaining upperparts are black. The forehead, face and underparts are yellow with red streaks across the breast. There is a white band across the base of the black tail. The iris is white. The female is olive-green with a pale belly.


It feeds mainly on small fruits but also on insects and spiders.


The males perform a complex lek display during the breeding season using a series of stereotyped movements.

The nest is a small open cup on the fork of a bush about 2 to 3 m off the ground. The clutch is 2.


It inhabits seasonally flooded forest (várzea) and gallery forest.


It is found around the southern tributaries of the Amazon from the river Purus and Juruá to Maranhão, and south as far as Paraná. There are disjunct populations in both Ceará and Alagoas. Also distributed in Peru, Bolívia, Paraguay and Argentina.


  • Portal Brasil 500 Pássaros, Uirapuru-laranja - Available at http://webserver.eln.gov.br/Pass500/BIRDS/1birds/p358.htm Accessed on 22 May 2009
  • Ridgely, Robert S. & Tudor, Guy. (1994) The Birds of South America. Volume 2, University of Texas Press.
  • Snow, D. W. (2004) Family Pipridae (Manakins). Pp. 110-169 in: del Hoyo, J., Elliot, A., & Christie, D.A. eds (2004). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 9. Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails, Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.


Ssp. scarlatina. The municipality of Guaramiranga where the isolated population in Ceará is to be found derives its name from the local name for this species “Guaramiranga” which is derived from the indigenous language meaning “red bird”.

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