30 Day Challenge-Be Active


I have been trying to lose weight for the last several years. I am slowly headed in the right direction, but at a snail’s pace. In the past I have been most successful at loosing weight when my activity level was consistently high (like when I was training for marathons). During these times I did little else in my free time except train, but I was in the best shape of my life. I want to get my fitness level back up and my weight down a bit, but I don’t want to spend all of my free time working out. I need to find a balance so that I have time to improve my physical self and also time to nurture my creative self.

I have not yet met Anna from In In The Next 30 Days, but she has inspired me to set a 30 day goal for myself. My 30 days start today and will end June 30. My challenge is to be active everyday during those 30 days. 15 minutes or more dedicated to doing something active will fulfill  the “requirements” of the challenge.

Here are a few things I know about myself.  I know that I have gotten out of the habit of being active and I need to re-develop that habit. I know that I have more energy and feel less stressed when I am active, but right now because I feel tired and stressed, I don’t feel like being active (anyone else have that problem?). I know that I need to get my fitness level back up if I am going to be able to walk 39.2 miles over 2 days during the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Charlotte, North Carolina in October with my 2 friends who are 10 years younger than I am! (More on the walk in a future post).

I recognize that I am very busy right now, so I am being realistic and setting the minimum time commitment at just 15 minutes per day. I am trying to structure for success so I am motivated to stick with it beyond these next 30 days. My plan is to do a combination of yoga, boot camp and walking (likely with my dog, Ann Marie).

Today I started the challenge off with a 4 mile walk in the Dana Point Harbor with the man and the dog.  The Dana Point Harbor is one of my favorite places to walk.  Today we were lucky to have perfect weather and to see 2 dolphins playing in the harbor.  We then went and had lunch on the patio of my favorite breakfast/lunch spot RJ’s Cafe.  It felt like a little celebration for starting the challenge.

I look forward to completing this 30 day challenge and perhaps being close to finishing a second one before I meet Anna at BlogHer13.

Find Your Om Balance, Terri

Dana Point Harbor Fish Eye


  1. Good luck! Great challenge idea!

  2. Love this! And there’s no reason that you won’t rock this challenges. I wish you the best of luck, and you might just find that your 30 Days turns into an every day kind of habit. Thanks for linking up at In The Next 30 Days!