The church is open during services for those who wish to pray with the monks.

The Prophet says: Seven times a day have I praised you. We will fulfil this sacred number of seven if we satisfy our obligations of service at Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline, for it was of these hours during the day that he said: Seven times a day have I praised you. Concerning Vigils, the same Prophet says: At midnight I arose to give you praise.”

(Saint Benedict, Rule for Monks, Chapter 16)
Church service schedule:
WeekdaysSundays and solemnities
Night office or Matins3.15 am 3.15 am
Chapterbefore Massafter Lauds
Laudsduring Mass6.45 am
Eucharist6.30 am10.15 am
Terce9 ambefor Mass 10.05 am
Sext12 noon12 noon
None2 pm2 pm
Vespers in winter5.15 pm3.45 pm
Vespers in summer5.30 pm4 pm
Compline in winter7.15 pm7.15 pm
Compline in summer7.30 pm7.30 pm

You are advised to find out in advance if the monks are on summer or winter time by phoning the monastery (00420 353 300 500).